Friday, December 2, 2016

Dr. Christine Bishop Bio

Dr. Christine Bishop’s Research Focus:

To understand threats to Species At Risk and Species that may soon be listed

To utilize indicator wildlife species to evaluate water quality and contamination

Christine Bishop has a Ph.D. in biology from McMaster University and her doctoral studies examined the effects of pesticides on birds nesting in apple orchards. She studied the effects of organochlorine contaminants on common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) in her M.Sc. research at York University, Toronto, Canada. Her B.Sc. Agriculture (Honours Environmental Biology) was earned at University of  Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

Christine Bishop is a Research Scientist with Environment and Climate Change Canada and is adjunct professor at Simon Fraser University and the University of  British Columbia. Her research examines the effects of  multiple stressors  on wildlife populations such as environmental contaminants, habitat fragmentation/ restoration, and road mortality focusing on birds, reptiles and amphibians, especially Species at Risk, in wetlands and riparian areas.  She grew up in Hamilton, is a past president of  the Hamilton Naturalists' Club, and worked for the federal government on the Great Lakes and many wetland and agricultural environs  1989 to 2000. Since then has worked in British Columbia primarily in the Okanagan and the Fraser Valley.    
During the past 30 years, she has combined her research interests  with many on-the-ground conservation projects involving habitat restoration and preservation in Ontario and British Columbia, Canada. She has co-supervised many graduate students, published 85+ peer reviewed journal articles and co-edited books on Wildlife Toxicology, Ecotoxicology of  amphibians and reptiles, and the Ecology, Conservation, and Status of  Reptiles in Canada.


    Refereed Journal Publications

     85. Forrester TR, Green DJ, McKibbin R, Bishop CA. 2016. Temporal Variation in the Abundance, Richness, and Breeding Performance of Riparian Birds in Response to Habitat Restoration in British Columbia, Canada. Restoration Ecology, accepted.
     84.  Bishop CA, Williams KE, Kirk DA, Nantel P, Reed E, Elliott JE. 2016. A population model of the impact of a rodenticide containing strychnine on Great Basin Gophersnakes (Pituophis catenifer deserticola). Ecotoxicology 25 (7): 1390–1405. Online doi:10.1007/s10646-016-1690-2

    83. Williams KE, Hodges KE, Bishop CA. 2015. Hibernation and Oviposition Sites of Great Basin Gophersnakes (Pituophis catenifer deserticola) Near Their Northern Range Limit. J. Herp., 49 (2): 207-216. Online

    82. Lomas E, Larsen K. Bishop CA. 2015. Persistence of Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes masks

    the impact of human disturbance on weight and body condition. Animal Conservation 18(6): 548-556.

    81. McKibbin R, Bishop CA. 2014. Double and triple broods in Western Yellow-breasted Chats (Icteria virens auricollis) at the northern periphery of their range in the south Okanagan valley, British Columbia, Canada. Wilson J. Ornithology 126(4):767-771

    80. Bishop CA, Trudeau S, Janz D, Hughes KD. 2016. Contaminant concentrations and biomarkers in 21-day old Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus) and Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) from eastern Lake Ontario, and from Hamilton Harbour in western Lake Ontario in 1989 and 1990. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management19 (2): 181-191. Online:

     79. Williams KE, Hodges KE, Bishop CA. 2014. Demography and Life History of Great Basin Gophersnakes at the Northern Range Edge. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 9(2); 246-256

     78. Boone MD, Bishop CA, Boswell, LA, Brodman RD, Burger J, Davidson C, Gochfeld M, Hoverman JT, Neuman-Lee LA, Relyea RA, Rohr JR, Salice C, Semlitsch RD, Sparling D, Weir S. 2013. Pesticide Regulation amid the Influence of Industry: Lessons from Amphibian Ecotoxicology. Bioscience 64 (10): 917-919

     77. Lesbarreres D, Ashpole S, Bishop CA,  Blouin-Demers G, Brooks R, Echaubard P, Govindarajulu P, Green D, Hecnar S, Herman T, Houlahan J, Litzgus J, Lougheed S, Mazeroll M, Paszkowski C, Rutherford P, Schock D, Storey K. 2014. Conservation of Herpetofauna in Northern Landscapes: Threats and Challenges from a Canadian perspective. Biological Conservation 170: 48-55

     76. Kissel AM, Palen WJ, Govindarajulu P, Bishop CA. 2014. Quantifying ecological life-support: the biological efficacy of alternative supplementation strategies for imperiled amphibian populations. Conservation Letters 7(5): 441-450

    75. Popescu D, Kissel AM, Palen WJ, Govindarajulu P, Bishop CA. 2013. Defining conservation-relevant habitat selection by the highly imperiled Oregon Spotted Frog, Rana pretiosa. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8: 688-706

     74. Bishop CA, Brogan J. 2013. Estimates of avian mortality attributed to vehicle collisions in Canada. Avian Conservation and Ecology 8(2): 2.

     73. Calvert AM, Bishop CA, Elliot RD, Krebs EA, Kydd TM, Machtans C, Robertson GJ. 2013. A synthesis of human-related avian mortality in Canada. Avian Conservation and Ecology 8(2): 11.

     72. Williams KE, Hodges KE, Bishop CA. 2012. Are  wildlife reserves large enough to protect the Great Basin gophersnake (Pituophis catenifer deserticola) in British Columbia, Canada? Can. J. Zool. 90: 304-312

     71. McKibbin R, Bishop CA. 2012. Size of territories and home ranges of male Western Yellow-breasted Chats(Icteria virens auricollis) in British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 126(2): 152–156

     70. Merkens M, Bradbeer DR, Bishop CA. 2012. Landscape and field characteristics affecting winter waterfowl grazing damage to agricultural perennial forage crops on the lower Fraser River delta, BC, Canada. Crop Protection. 31(1): 51-58

    69. Mino CI, Pollet IL, Bishop CA, Russello MA.2011. Genetic mating system and population history of  an endangered population of  the western yellow-breasted chat (Icteria virens auricollis) in British Columbia, Canada., Can. J. Zool, 89: 881-891

     68. Gonçalves da Silva A, White KE, Kirk, SL, Bishop CA, Hodges KE, Russello MA. 2009. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in three British Columbia species-at-risk: Great basin Gophersnake (Pituophis catenifer deserticola), Great Basin spadefoot (Spea intermontana), and Western painted turtle (Chrysemys picta belli) Conservation Genetics Resources 3 (1): 69-71

     67. Bishop CA, Ashpole SL, Edwards AM, VanAggelen G, Elliott JE. 2010. Hatching success and pesticide exposures in amphibians living in agricultural habitats of the South Okanagan valley,  British Columbia, Canada (2004-2006). Environ.Toxicol. Chem 29 (7): 1593-1603.
    66. Westman A, Elliott JE, Cheng K, VanAggelen, G, Bishop CA. 2010. Effects of  environmentally relevant concentrations of endosulfan, azinphos-methyl and diazinon on Great Basin Spadefoot (Spea intermontana) And Pacific Treefrog (Pseudacris regilla) Embryo And Early Stage Larval Survivorship. Environ. Toxicol. Chem 29 (7): 1604 – 1612.

    65. McKibbin R, Bishop CA. 2010. Habitat characterization of breeding territories of the western yellow-breasted chat in the south okanagan, British Columbia, Canada. Northwest Naturalist 91 (2) : 145-156
    64. McKibbin R, Bishop CA. 2010. Site fidelity and annual survival of  the western yellow-breasted chat (Icteria virens auricollis) at the northern periphery of its range. Can. Field Nat. 126: 135-142

    63. McDaniel TV, Martin PA, Barrett GC, Hughes K, Gendron AD, Shirose L, Bishop CA. 2009. Relative abundance, age structure, and body size in mudpuppy populations in  southwestern Ontario. J. Great Lakes Res 35: 182–189

    62. McKibbin R, Bishop CA. 2008. Capture success rates of the western Yellow-breasted Chat in the south Okanagan valley, British Columbia, Canada during 2005 to 2007. North American Bird Bander 33(4): 179-184.

    61. Brown, J, Bishop, CA, Brooks, RJ. 2009. An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Short-Distance Translocation as a Snake Management Tool and its Effects on Western Rattlesnakes. J. Wildl. Manag., 73 (3):  419–425

    60. McKibbin R, Dushenko W, VanAggelen G, Bishop CA. 2008. The influence of water quality on the embryonic survivorship of the Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa) in British Columbia, Canada.- Sci. Tot. Env. 395: 28-40

    59. Loveridge, AR, Bishop, CA, Elliott, JE, Kennedy, CJ. 2007. Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides Bioaccumulated in Green Frogs, Rana clamitans , from the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 79 (3): 315-318

    58. Morgan, T C, Bishop, CA, Williams, TD. 2007. Yellow-breasted Chat and Gray Catbird productivity in a fragmented western riparian system. Wilson J. Ornith. 119(3): 494-498.

    57. Morgan, TC, Bishop, CA, Bezener, AM, 2006. Temporal fluctuation in abundance of  brown-headed cowbirds and their hosts in riparian habitat in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada. 2006. J. Field Ornithol. 77 (4): 1-8 .

    56. deSolla, SR, Bishop, CA. Fernie, KJ, Barrett, GC.2006. Population trends and calling phenology of anurans in Ontario estimated using acoustic surveys. Biodiversity and conservation 15:3481-3497.
    55. Christensen. J.R., , Richardson, J.S., Bishop, C.A., Pauli, B.C,.Elliott, J.E. 2005. Effects of nonylphenol on rates of tail resorption and metamorphosis in Rana catesbeiana tadpoles. J. Toxicol. Env. Health Part A. 68 (7): 557-572.
    54. Bishop CA, Rouse JD. 2006. Polychlorinated biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides in Plasma and Embryonic development in Lake Erie Water Snakes (Nerodia sipedon insularum) from Pelee Island, Ontario, Canada (1999). Arch. Env. Contam. Toxicology 51: 452-457.
    53. deSolla, SR, Shirose, LJ, Fernie, KJ, Barrett, GC, Brousseau, CS, Bishop, CA. 2005. Effect of Sampling Effort and Species Detectability on Volunteer Based Anuran Monitoring Programs. Biological Cons 121 (4); 585-594
    52. Mayne, GJ, Bishop, CA, Martin, PA, Boermans, HJ, Hunter, B. 2005. Thyroid function in nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) and eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) exposed to orchard pesticides and p, p’-DDE. Ecotoxicology.  14 (3): 381-396.
    51. Gill H, Williams TD, Bishop CA, Cheng KM, Elliott JE. 2004. Effects of  azinphos-methyl on cholinergic responses and general health of  zebra finches (Taeniopygia  guttata) after previous treatment with pp’DDE. 2004. Archiv. Env. Contam. Tox. 46 :1-9.
    50. Christensen, JR, Bishop CA, Richardson JS, Pauli B, Elliott, JE. 2004. Validation of an amphibian sperm inhibition  toxicological test method using zinc. Env. Toxicol. Chem. Vol. 23 (12):2950-2955.

     49. Mayne, GJ, Martin, PA, Bishop, CA, Boermans HJ. 2004. Stress and immune responses of nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) and eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) exposed to non-persistent pesticides and p, p'-dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethylene. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 23 (12): 2930-2940

     48. McDaniel, TV, Harris, ML, Bishop, CA, Struger, J. 2004. Development and survivorship of Northern Leopard Frogs (Rana pipiens)  exposed to contaminants in the water and sediments of  the the St. Lawrence River near Cornwall, Ontario. Water Qual. Res. J. Canada 39(3):161-175.
    47. Ashpole, SL, Bishop, CA, Brooks, RJ. 2004.Contaminant residues in common snapping turtle (Chelydra s. serpentina) eggs from the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin (1999 to 2000). Arch. Env. Contam. Toxicol. 47(2): 240-252.

    46. Christensen. JR, Pauli, BC, Richardson, JS, Bishop, CA, Elliott, JE. 2004. Effects of pH and dilution on African Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevis) sperm motility. Can. J. Zoo. 82: 555-563.

    45. Martinovic B, Lean DR, Bishop CA, Birmingham E, Secord A, Jock K. 2003.Health of tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nestlings exposed to chlorinated hydrocarbons in the St. Lawrence River Basin. Part I. Part I. Renal and hepatic vitamin A concentrations. J. Toxicol Environ Health A. 13; 66(11):1053-72        

    44. Martinovic B, Lean DR, Bishop CA, Birmingham E, Secord A, Jock K. 2003.Health of tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nestlings exposed to chlorinated hydrocarbons in the St. Lawrence River Basin. Part II. Basal and stress plasma corticosterone concentrations. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 14;66(21):2015-29. 

     43. de Solla, S. R., Bishop, C.A., Fletcher, M. 2003. Egg viability and organochlorine contaminants of eastern spiny softshell turtles (Apalone s. spiniferus) from three watersheds in Southern Ontario. Ecotoxicol., 12: 261- 270

    42. de Solla, S. R., Bishop, C.A., Brooks, R.J. 2002. Sexually dimorphic morphology of hatchling snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) from contaminated and reference sites in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River basins. Env. Toxicol. Chem. 21 (5): 922-929.

    41. de Solla, S. R., Campbell, G.D., Bishop, C.A. 2002. Hyperthermia induced mortality of snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) during oviposition in a wood chip pile. Can. Field Nat.115 (3): 510-512.

    40. de Solla, S. R., Bishop, C.A., Pettit, KE, Elliott, JE, Cheng, K. 2002. Hatching success and deformity rates in amphibians exposed to agricultural run-off in the Fraser Valley, Environ. Toxicol.  Chem., 21 (2): 353-360.
    39. de Solla, S. R., Bishop, C.A., Pettit, KE, Elliott, JE. 2002. Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in eggs of northern red-legged frogs (Rana aurora) and northwestern salamanders (Ambystoma gracile) in an agricultural landscape. Chemosphere 46/7: 1027-1032.

    38. Yauk, C.L., Smits, J.E., Quinn, J.S., Bishop, C.A. 2001. Pulmonary histopathology in ring-billed gulls (Larus delawarensis) from colonies near steel mills and in rural areas. Bull. Environ. Toxicol. Contam., 66 (5): 563-569.

    37. de Solla, S. R., Bishop, C.A., Lickers, H., Jock, K. 2000. Organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, dibenzodioxin and furan concentrations in common snapping turtle eggs (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) from Akwesasne Mohawk Territory. Archives Environ. Toxicol. Contam. 40 (3): 410-417.

    36. Harris, M.L., Bishop, C.A. and McDaniel, T.V. 1999. Assessment of rates of deformity in wild frog populations using caging studies: a case study of leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) in Ontario, Canada. Biomarkers 6 (1): 52-63.

    35. Bishop, C.A., Rouse, J.D. 2000. Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Concentrations in Plasma of  the Lake Erie Water Snake (Nerodia sipedon insularum) and Northern Water Snake (Nerodia sipedon sipedon) from the Great Lakes basin. Archives Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 39: 500-505.

    34. Bishop, C.A.., Ng, P., Mineau, P., Quinn, J.S., Struger, J. 1999. Effects of pesticide spraying on chick growth, behaviour and parental care in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) nesting in an apple orchard in Ontario, Canada. Environ. Toxicol. Chem.  19 (9): 2286-2297.

    33. Harris, M.L., Wilson, L.K., Elliott, J.E., Bishop, C.A., Tomlin, A.D., Henning, K.V. 2000. Transfer of DDT and metabolites from fruit orchard soils to american robins (Turdus migratorius) twenty years after agricultural use of DDT in Canada. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 39: 205-220.

    32. Bishop, C.A., Struger, J., Barton, D., Dunn, L., Shirose, L., Lang, A., Shepherd, D. 2000. Contamination and wildlife communities in stormwater detention ponds in Guelph and Greater Toronto Area, Ontario (1997, 1998).  PART I. Wildlife communities. Water Qual. Res. J. Can. 35(3): 399-435.

    31. Bishop, C.A., Struger, J., Shirose, L.,  Dunn, L. 2000. Contamination, effects of  contamination and wildlife communities in stormwater detention ponds in Guelph and Greater Toronto Area, Ontario (1997, 1998). 

    PART II. Contamination and biological effects of  contamination. Water Qual. Res. J. Can. 35 (3): 437-474.

    30.Harris, M.L., Chora, L., Bishop, C.A., Bogart, J.P. 2000.  Species and age-related differences in susceptibility to pesticide exposure for two amphibians, Rana pipiens and Bufo americanus. Bull. Env. Contam. Toxicol. 64:263-270.

    29. Bishop, C.A., Collins, B., Mineau, P., Burgess, N.M., Read, W.F., Risley, C. 2000. Reproduction of cavity-nesting birds in pesticide-sprayed apple orchard in southern Ontario, Canada (1988-1994). Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 19(3): 588-599.

    28. Rouse, J.D., Bishop, C.A., Struger, J. 1999. Nitrogen Pollution: An assessment of the impact on  amphibians. Env. Health Persp. 107(10): 1-6.

    27. Portelli, M.J., de Solla, S.R., Brooks, R.J., Bishop, C.A. 1999. The effect of pp-DDE on sex determination of the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina). Ecotoxicol. Env. Safety 43: 284-291.

    26. Bishop, C.A., Mahony, N.A,  Struger, J., Ng, P., Pettit, K.E. 1999. Anuran development, density and diversity in relation to agricultural activity in the Holland River watershed, Ontario, Canada (1990-1992).  Environ. Monitor. Assess. 59 (1): 21-43.
    25. Burgess, N.M., Hunt, K.A., Bishop, C.A. Weseloh, D.V. 1999. Cholinesterase inhibition in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) and Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) exposed to organophosphate insecticides in Ontario apple orchards. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 18 (4): 708-716.

    24. Bishop, C.A., Mahony, N.A, Trudeau, S., Pettit, K.E. 1999. Reproductive success and biochemical effects in Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) exposed to chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants in wetlands of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 18(2): 263-271.

    23. Bishop, CA, Boermans, H.J., Ng, P., Campbell, G.D, Struger, J. 1998. Health of tree swallows  (Tachycineta bicolor) nesting in pesticide-sprayed apple orchards in Ontario, Canada

    I. Immunological parameters. J. Toxicol. Env. Health, Part A 55: 101-129.

    22. Bishop, CA, Van Der Kraak, G.J, Ng, P., Smits, J.E.G., Hontela, A. 1998. Health of tree swallows  (Tachycineta bicolor) nesting in pesticide-sprayed apple orchards in Ontario, Canada II. Sex and thyroid hormone concentrations and testes development. J. Toxicol. Env. Health, Part A  55: 130-150.

    21. Bishop, CA, Gendron, A.D. 1998. Reptiles and amphibians:  Shy and sensitive vertebrates of the Great Lakes basin and St. Lawrence River.  Environ. Monitor. Assess. 53:225-244.

    20. Bishop, CA, Ng, P., Pettit, K.E.,  Kennedy, S., Stegeman, J.J., Norstrom, R.J., Brooks, R.J. 1998. Environmental contamination and developmental abnormalities in eggs and hatchlings of the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) from the Great Lakes -St. Lawrence River basin (1989-91). Environ. Poll. 99: 1-14.

    19. Harris, M.L., Bishop, C.A., Dixon, D.G., Struger, J., van den Heuvel, M.R., Van Der Kraak, G.J., Ripley, B., Bogart, J.P. 1998. The functional integrity of  northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) and green frog (Rana clamitans) populations in orchard wetlands. I. Genetics, physiology and biochemistry of breeding adults and young-of-the-year. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17(7):1338-1350

    18. Harris, M.L., Bishop, C.A., Struger, J., Ripley, B., Bogart, J.P. 1998. The functional integrity of  northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) and green frog (Rana clamitans) populations in orchard wetlands. II. Early-life stage development. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17(7): 1351-1363

    17. de Solla, S., Bishop, C.A., Van Der Kraak, G. J., Brooks, R.J. 1998. . Impacts of organochlorine contamination on sex hormons and external morphology of Common Snapping Turtles  (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) in Ontario, Canada. Env. Health Persp. 106 (5): 253-260

    16. Shirose, L.J., Bishop, C.A., Green, D.M., MacDonald, C., Brooks, R.J., Helferty, N. 1997.Validation of  an amphibian call count survey in Ontario. Herpetologica 53(3): 312-320.

    15. Gendron, A.D., Bishop, C.A., Fortin, R., Hontela, A.1997. In Vivo testing of  the functional integrity of  the corticosterone-producing axis in mudpuppy (Amphibia) exposed to chlorinated hydrocarbons in the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 16 (8): 1694-1706.                                                                                  

    14. Bishop, C.A., Ng, P., Norstrom, R.J., Brooks, R.J., Pettit, K.E. 1996. Temporal and geographic variation of organochlorine residues in eggs of  the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) and comparisons in PCB patterns in herring gulls (Larus argentatus) in the Great Lakes basin in Ontario, Canada (1981-1991). Archiv. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 31 (4): 512-524.

    13. Martin, P.A., Weseloh, D.V., Bishop, C.A., Legierse, K., Braune, B., Norstrom, R.J. 1995. Organochlorine contaminants in avian wildlife of Severn Sound. Water Qual. Res. J. Canada 30 (4):693-711.

    12. Pettit, K. E., Bishop, C.A., Brooks, R.J. 1995. Home range and movements of the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) in a coastal wetland of Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario, Canada. Can. Field-Nat. 109 (2): 191-200. 

    11. Bishop, C.A., Chek, A.A., Koster, M.D., Hussell, D.J.T., Jock, K. 1995. Chlorinated hydrocarbons, and mercury in sediments, red-winged blackbirds  and tree swallows from wetlands in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin.  Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 14 (3): 491-502.

    10. Bishop, C.A., Lean, D.R.S., Brooks, R.J., Carey, J.H., and Ng, P. 1995. Chlorinated hydrocarbons in early life stages of the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) from a coastal wetland on Lake Ontario, Canada. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 14 (3): 421-426.

    9. Weseloh, D.V., Hamr, P., Bishop, C.A., Norstrom, R.J. 1995. Organochlorine contaminant levels in waterbird species from Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario: An IJC Area of Concern.  J. Great Lakes Res. 21(1): 121-137.

    8. Weseloh, D.V., Ewins, P.J., Struger, J., Mineau, P., Bishop, C.A., Postupalsky, S., Ludwig, J.P. 1995. Double-crested cormorants of  the Great Lakes: changes in population size, breeding distribution and reproductive output between 1913 and 1991. Col. Waterbirds 18 (Special Publication 1): 48-59.

    7. Bonin, J., DesGranges, J.-L., Bishop, C.A., Rodrigue, J., Gendron, A., and Elliott, J.E. 1995. Comparative study of contaminants in the mudpuppy (Amphibia) and common snapping turtle (Reptilia), St. Lawrence River, Canada. Archiv. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 28: 184-194.

    6. Bishop, C.A., Brown, G. P., Brooks, R.J., Lean, D.R.S., Carey, J.H. 1994. Organochlorine contaminant concentrations in eggs and their relationship to body size, and clutch characteristics of the female common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) in Lake Ontario, Canada. Archiv. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 27 (1): 82-87. 

    5. Struger, J., Elliott J.E., Bishop, C.A., Obbard, M.E., Norstrom, R.J., Weseloh, D.V., Simon, M. and Ng, P. 1994. Environmental contaminants in eggs of the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) from the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin of Ontario, Canada (1981, 1984). J. Great Lakes Res. 19 (4): 681- 694.

    4. Brown, G.P., Bishop, C.A., Brooks, R.J. 1994. Growth rate, reproductive output and temperature selection of  snapping turtles in habitats of different productivities. J. Herpetology  4: 405-410.

    3. Bishop, C.A., Brooks, R.J., Carey, J.H., Ng, P., Norstrom, R.J., Lean, D.R.S. 1991. The case for a cause-effect linkage between environmental contamination and developmental effects in eggs of the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) in Ontario, Canada. J. Toxicol. Env. Health 33: 521-547.

    2. Tillitt, D.E., Ankley, G.T., Giesy, J.P., Ludwig, J.P., Kurita-Matsuba, H., Weseloh, D.V., Ross, P.S., Bishop, C.A., Sileo, L., Stromberg, K.L., Larson, J., Kubiak, T.J. 1992. Polychlorinated biphenyl residues and egg mortality in Double-crested Cormorants from the Great Lakes. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 11(9): 1281-1288.

    1. Galbraith, D.A., Bishop, C.A., Brooks, R.J., Simser, W.L. and Lampman, K.L. 1988. Density, biomass and sex ratio in two Ontario populations of the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) Can. J. Zoology  66 (5): 1233-1238.

    Refereed Books, Book Chapters, Reports


    Bishop CA. 2016.Water quality and toxicology. Pp.272-283. Chapter 20 In: Dodds K (Editor). Reptile Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of  Techniques.Oxford University Press, London, UK.

    Elliott JE, Bishop CA, Morrissey C (Eds). 2011. Wildlife toxicology: Forensic Approaches, Springer Press, NY. 466 pp

    Edson JT, Holmes JV, Elliott JE, Bishop CA. 2011. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal: From Environmental Catastrophe to Urban Wildlife Refuge pp. 93-153 In:  Elliott JE, Bishop CA, Morrissey C (Eds). 2011. Wildlife toxicology: Forensic Approaches, Springer Press, 93-152 pp.

    Elliott JE, Bishop CA. 2010. Cyclodiene and other organochlorine pesticides in birds in: 2nd edition of Environmental contaminants in wildlife: interpreting tissue concentrations Beyer N. and Meador J. (Eds.) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Press. Pensacola, Fla., 447-477

    Sparling, D.W., Linder, G.L., Krest S, Bishop, C.A..(Eds). 2010. 2nd edition of  The Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Press. Pensacola, Fla. 916 pp

    Sparling, D.W., Linder, G.L., Krest S, Bishop, C.A..2010. Recent advancements in amphibian and reptile ecotoxicology. In:  Sparling, D.W., Linder, G.L., Krest S, Bishop, C.A..(Eds). 2010. 2nd edition of  The Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Press. Pensacola, Fla. 1-12 pp.

    Bishop CA, McDaniel TV, DeSolla SR. 2010. Atrazine: Effects on amphibians and reptiles. In: Sparling, D.W., Linder, G.L., Krest S, Bishop, C.A..(Eds). 2nd edition of  The Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Press. Pensacola, Fla. Pp. 225-260.


    Seburn, C. N. L. , Bishop, CA (Eds).  2007. Ecology, conservation and status of  reptiles in Canada Society for the Study of  Amphibians and Reptiles. Salt Lake City, UT, USA. 246 pp.

    Bishop, CA, Cunnington, DC, Fellers, GM, Gibbs, JP, Pauli, BC, Rothermel, BB. 2003. Physical habitat and its alteration: a common ground for exposure of amphibians to environmental stressors. In: Amphibian Decline: an integrated analysis of multiple stressor effects. Eds. Linder, G, Krest, SK, Sparling, DW. pp.209- 242.

    Ewins, P.J., Weseloh, D.V., Fox, G.A., Bishop, C.A., Boughen, T. 2001. Using wildlife to monitor contaminants and their effects in the North American Great Lakes ecosystem.  In: R.E. Hecky and M. Munawar (Eds). The Great Lakes of the World (GLOW): Food-web, health ahd integrity. Ecovision World Monograph series. SPB Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands., pp. 341-362.

    Sparling, D.W., Linder, G.L., Bishop, C.A..(Eds). 2000. The Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Press. Pensacola, Fla. 877pp.

    Sparling, D.W., Bishop, C.A., Linder, G.L. 2000. The current status of amphibian and reptile ecotoxicological research. Chapter 1 In: Sparling, D.W., Linder, G.L., Bishop, C.A..(Eds). The Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Press. Pensacola, Fla. Pp.1-14.

    Bishop, C.A., Martinovic, B. 2000. Field guidelines for ecotoxicological studies of amphibians and reptiles. . Chapter 13 In: Sparling, D.W., Linder, G.L., Bishop, C.A..(Eds). The Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Press. Pensacola, Fla. Pp 697-726..

    Portelli, M., Bishop, C.A. 2000. The impacts of organic pollution on reptiles Chapter 8b In: Sparling, D.W., Linder, G.L., Bishop, C.A.. (Eds). The Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Press. Pensacola, Fla. Pp. 495-544.

    Sparling, D.W., Bishop, C.A., Pauli, B, Money, S. 2000. Epilogue: lessons yet to be learned. Chapter  15: In Sparling, D.W., Linder, G.L., Bishop, C.A..(Eds). The Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Press. Pensacola, Fla. Pp. 811-822.

    Bishop, C.A., Pettit, K.E., Gartshore, M.J., MacLeod, D.A. 1996. Extensive monitoring of  anurans in Ontario, Canada (1992-1993).  In: D. M. Green (Ed.) Amphibians in Decline. Reports from the Canadian Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles and Canadian Association of  Herpetologists, Saint Louis, MO. Herpetol. Conservation 1: 149-160.

    Bishop, C.A., McLean, D., and McHattie, B.J. 1993. The Hamilton Naturalists' Club: Seven Decades of Protecting Natural Heritage In: S. Lerner (Ed). Environmental Stewardship: Studies in Active Earthkeeping. Dept. of Geography Publication Series, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, No. 39: 203-218.

    Bishop, C.A. 1992. The effects of pesticides on amphibians In: Bishop, C.A. and Pettit, K.E (Eds.) Declines in Canadian amphibian populations: Designing a national monitoring strategy.  Canadian Wildlife Service. Occasional Paper No. 76: 67-70.

    Bishop, C.A. and Pettit, K.E. 1992. Declines in Canadian amphibian populations: Designing a national monitoring strategy. Canadian Wildlife Service, Occasional Paper No. 76. 120pp.

    Peer-reviewed Notes


    Bishop CA, Hindmarch S, Luszcz, T. 2014. Vehicles kill birds and roads impact bird reproduction and populations. BC Birds, submitted.  

    Ashpole SL, Bishop CA, Elliott JE. 2014. Use of anthropogenic breeding sites and clutch size in the Great Basin Spadefoot (spea intermontana), South Okanagan valley, British Columbia, Canada. Northwestern Naturalist. 95 (1): 35-40

    Ashpole, SL, Bishop,  CA, Elliott, JE. 2011. Unexplained die-off of larval Tiger Salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) using an agricultural habitat in the South Okanagan, B.C. Northwestern Naturalist

    92 (3): 221-224

    Potvin AJ, Bishop CA. 2010. An endangered population and roadside mortality: three western

    Yellow-breasted Chat fatalities in the south Okanagan valley, British Columbia. BC Birds 20: 45-48

    McKibbin R, Bishop CA. 2007. Unusual colour of eggs of a female western Yellow-breasted Chat in the south Okanagan valley, British Columbia, Canada. BC Birds 18: 23-24.

    McKibbin R, Bishop CA. 2007. Feeding observations of the western Yellow-breasted Chat in the south Okanagan valley, British Columbia, Canada during a 7 year study period. BC Birds 18: 24-25

    McKibbin R, Bishop CA.  2007. Observations on the longevity and fecundity of the western Yellow-breasted Chat in the south Okanagan valley, British Columbia, Canada.BC Birds 18: 26-27.



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